Love is a special way of feeling
It is the safe way we feel
When we sit on our mother's lap
With her arms around us
Tight and close
It is the good way we feel
When we talk to someone
And they want to listen
And don't tell us to go away
And be quiet
It is the happy way we
Feel when we save a
Bird that has been hurt
Or feed a lost cat
Or calm a frightend colt
Love is found in unexpected places
It is there in the quiet moment
When we first discover
A beautiful thing...
When we watch a bird
Soar high against
A pale blue sky
When we see a lovely flower
That no one else has noticed
When we find a place
That shelters us and is
All our very own
Love starts in little ways...
It may begin the day
We first share our
Thoughts with someone else...
Or help someone who needs us...
Or sometimes, it begins
Because, even without words,
We understand how someone feels.
Love comes quietly...
But you know when it is there
Because, suddenly...
You are not alone any more
And there is no sadness
Inside you
Love is a happy feeling
That stays inside your heart
For the rest of your life.
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